Source code for morphocut.utils


import functools
import itertools
import queue
import threading
from typing import Any, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, overload

from morphocut.core import RawOrVariable, Stream, StreamObject, resolve_variable

T = TypeVar("T")

def stream_groupby(
    stream: Stream, by: RawOrVariable[T]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[T, Iterator[StreamObject]]]:

def stream_groupby(
    stream: Stream, by: Tuple[RawOrVariable[T]]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[T], Iterator[StreamObject]]]:

[docs]def stream_groupby( stream: Stream, by=Union[RawOrVariable[T], Tuple[RawOrVariable[T]]] ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Any, Iterator[StreamObject]]]: """ Split a stream into sub-streams by key. Every time the value of the `by` changes, a new sub-stream is generated. The sub-stream is itself an iterator that shares the underlying stream with stream_groupby. Args: stream (Stream): A MorphoCut stream. by: (Variable or value or tuple thereof): The values to group by. Yields: `(key, sub_stream)`, where `key` is a value or a tuple and `sub_stream` is the corresponding sub-stream. """ keyfunc = lambda obj: resolve_variable(obj, by) return itertools.groupby(stream, keyfunc)
class _ConsumedObjectContext: def __init__( self, estimator: "StreamEstimator", n_consumed: int, est_n_emit: Optional[float] ) -> None: self.estimator = estimator self.n_consumed = n_consumed self.est_n_emit = est_n_emit self.n_emitted = 0 def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): estimator = self.estimator # Update number of processed objects estimator.n_consumed += self.n_consumed estimator.n_emitted += self.n_emitted # Update global rate estimate estimator.rate = estimator.n_emitted / estimator.n_consumed if estimator.n_remaining_in is not None: # Decrease number of remaining inputs estimator.n_remaining_in -= self.n_consumed def emit(self): """ Record the emission of one object and return an estimate of the remaining output length. """ n_remaining_hint = None if ( self.estimator.n_remaining_in is not None and self.estimator.rate is not None ): if self.est_n_emit is not None: # We know how many objects we will emit: # Use precise calculation. n_remaining_hint = round( (self.estimator.n_remaining_in - self.n_consumed) * self.estimator.rate + self.est_n_emit - self.n_emitted ) else: # We don't know how many objects we will emit: # Use global rate estimate. n_remaining_hint = round( self.estimator.n_remaining_in * self.estimator.rate - self.n_emitted ) if n_remaining_hint is not None: n_remaining_hint = max(1, n_remaining_hint) self.n_emitted += 1 return n_remaining_hint
[docs]class StreamEstimator: """ Record how many objects are consumed and emitted and calculate the rate. This should be used in `StreamTransformers` that alter the number of objects in the stream to update the estimate the number of remaining objects. Example: .. code-block:: python est = StreamEstimator() for obj in stream: # We're expecting 10 emitted objects for every consumed object: local_estimate = 10 with est.consume(obj.n_remaining_hint, est_n_emit=local_estimate) as incoming: for _ in range(10): yield self.prepare_output( obj.copy(), value, n_remaining_hint=incoming.emit() ) """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.n_remaining_in = None self.n_consumed = 0 self.n_emitted = 0 self.rate: Optional[float] = None
[docs] def consume( self, n_remaining_hint: Optional[int], *, est_n_emit: Optional[float] = None, n_consumed=1, ): """Context manager for an incoming object.""" if n_remaining_hint is not None: # Set n_remaining to a new estimate self.n_remaining_in = n_remaining_hint if self.rate is None and est_n_emit is not None: self.rate = est_n_emit / n_consumed return _ConsumedObjectContext(self, n_consumed, est_n_emit)
def buffered_generator(buf_size: int): def wrap(gen): # Don't do multithreading if nothing should be buffered if buf_size == 0: return gen @functools.wraps(gen) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): q = queue.Queue(buf_size) _sentinel = object() def fill_queue(): for item in gen(*args, **kwargs): q.put(item) q.put(_sentinel) threading.Thread(target=fill_queue, daemon=True).start() while True: item = q.get() if item is _sentinel: return yield item return wrapper return wrap