
Open source software thrives on people’s contributions. We sincerely appreciate your interest in contributing to the MorphoCut project!

Bug Reports

Bug reports play a vital role! Before submitting a bug report, please take a moment to check the GitHub issues to ensure that the bug hasn’t already been reported.

Code Contributions

Steps for Submitting Code

GitHub Pull Requests are the preferred method for collaborating on code in this project. To contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.

  2. Run the tests and ensure that they all pass on your system.

  3. Write tests that clearly demonstrate the bug or feature you’re addressing. Make sure these tests fail initially (a practice known as test-driven development).

  4. Implement your changes.

  5. Run the entire test suite again to verify that all tests pass, including the ones you just added.

  6. Write meaningful commit messages to document your changes.

  7. Submit a GitHub Pull Request to the main repository’s main branch. Your contribution will be reviewed promptly.

Code Style

To maintain code consistency, please adhere to the following guidelines:

The repository includes a .vscode/settings.json.default file that contains sensible default settings. If you’re developing in VS Code, you can use it as a starting point.

Documentation Contributions

Documentation holds significant value for this library, and we warmly welcome any improvements. The documentation resides in the docs/ directory and is written in reStructuredText. We utilize Sphinx to generate a comprehensive suite of documentation, with napoleon interpreting the docstrings.