Source code for morphocut.str

"""This module contains operations commonly used in image processing."""

import warnings
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Sequence

from morphocut import Node, Output, RawOrVariable, ReturnOutputs, Variable
from morphocut._optional import UnavailableObject

    import parse
except ImportError:
    parse = UnavailableObject("parse", "Use pip to install parse.")

[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("string") class Format(Node): """ Format strings using :py:meth:`str.format`. For more information see the :ref:`Python Format String Syntax <python:formatstrings>`. Args: fmt (str or Variable[str]): A format in which we want our string to be. *args (Any or Variable[Any]): Positional arguments for positional fields in fmt. _args (Sequence or Variable[Sequence]): Additional positional arguments for positional fields in fmt. _kwargs (Mapping or Variable[Mapping]): Keyword arguments for named fields in fmt. **kwargs (Any or Variable[Any]): Additional keyword arguments for named fields in fmt. As positional arguments, :py:meth:`str.format` receives ``args`` then ``_args``. As keyword arguments, :py:meth:`str.format` receives ``_kwargs`` then ``kwargs``. This means that keys passed as keyword arguments overwrite keys in a dict passed as ``_kwargs``. Example: .. code-block:: python fmt = "{},{},{},{},{},{},{a},{b},{c},{d}" args = (1, 2, 3) _args = (4, 5, 6) _kwargs = {"a": 7, "b": 8} kwargs = {"c": 9, "d": 10} with Pipeline() as pipeline: result = Format(fmt, *args, _args=_args, _kwargs=_kwargs, **kwargs) Result: `obj[result]` == `"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"` for a stream object `obj`. """ def __init__( self, fmt: RawOrVariable[str], *args: RawOrVariable, _args: Optional[RawOrVariable[Sequence]] = None, _kwargs: RawOrVariable[Mapping] = None, **kwargs: RawOrVariable ): super().__init__() self.fmt = fmt self._args = _args or () self._kwargs = _kwargs or {} self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def transform( self, fmt: str, _args: tuple, _kwargs: dict, args: tuple, kwargs: dict ): kwargs = {**_kwargs, **kwargs} return fmt.format(*args, *_args, **kwargs)
class ParseWarning(UserWarning): """Issued by :py:class:`Parse`."""
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("meta") class Parse(Node): """ Parse information from a string. Parse strings using a specification based on the :ref:`Python Format String Syntax <python:formatstrings>`. .. note:: The external dependency `parse`_ is required to use this Node. .. _parse: Args: fmt (str): The pattern to look for in the input. string (str): A string input which is to be parsed case_sensitive (bool): Match pattern with case. Example: .. code-block:: python fmt = "This is a {named}" string = "This is a TEST" case_sensitive = True with Pipeline() as pipeline: result = Parse(fmt, string, case_sensitive) Result: ``obj[result] == {'named': 'TEST'}`` for a stream object `obj`. """ def __init__( self, fmt: RawOrVariable[str], string: RawOrVariable, case_sensitive: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self.fmt = fmt self.string = string self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive @parse.with_pattern(".*") def parse_greedystar(text): return text self._extra_types = {"greedy": parse_greedystar} if not isinstance(fmt, Variable): self._parser = self._compile(fmt) else: self._parser = None def _compile(self, fmt): parser = parse.compile( fmt, extra_types=self._extra_types, case_sensitive=self.case_sensitive ) if not parser._named_fields: warnings.warn( "Pattern does not include any named fields: {}".format(fmt), ParseWarning, ) return parser def transform(self, fmt, string): parser = self._parser if parser is None: parser = self._compile(fmt) result = parser.parse(string) if result is None: raise ValueError( "No match for {} in {}".format(self._parser._format, string) ) return result.named