Source code for morphocut.pims

Through PIMS, MorphoCut supports reading Bioformats and Video.

    "`PIMS`_ is a lazy-loading interface to
    sequential data with numpy-like slicing."

.. note::
    `PIMS`_ is required to use the nodes defined in this module.

.. _PIMS:
from typing import Optional

from morphocut import Node, Output, RawOrVariable, ReturnOutputs, closing_if_closable
from morphocut._optional import UnavailableObject, check_available

    import av
except ImportError:
    av = UnavailableObject("av", "Use conda or pip to install av.")

    import pims
except ImportError:
    pims = UnavailableObject("pims", "Use pip to install pims.")

    import jpype
except ImportError:
    jpype = UnavailableObject(
        "See for installation instructions.",

[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("frame") class VideoReader(Node): """ |stream| Read frames from video files. .. note:: `PyAV`_ is required to use this reader. .. _PyAV: Args: path: Path to a video file. **kwargs: Additional keyword parameters for :py:class:`pims.PyAVReaderIndexed`. Example: .. code-block:: python frame = VideoReader(path) # frame (pims.Frame): The frame. # frame.frame_no (int): Frame number. # frame.metadata (dict): Frame metadata. """ def __init__(self, path: RawOrVariable[str], **kwargs): super().__init__() # Check that pims and av are available check_available(pims, av) self.path = path self.kwargs = kwargs def transform_stream(self, stream): with closing_if_closable(stream): for obj in stream: path = self.prepare_input(obj, "path") reader = pims.PyAVReaderIndexed(path, **self.kwargs) for frame in reader: yield self.prepare_output(obj.copy(), frame)
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("frame") @Output("series") class BioformatsReader(Node): """ |stream| Read frames from Bio-Formats files. Bio-Formats is a software tool for reading and writing image data using standardized, open formats. It is able to read `over 150 file formats`_, including OME-TIFF and Amnis FlowSight (.cif). .. _over 150 file formats: .. note:: `JPype`_ is required to use this reader. On first use of `BioformatsReader`, the required java library `loci_tools.jar` will be automatically downloaded from .. _JPype: Args: path (str): Path to a Bioformats file. meta (bool, optional): When true, the metadata object is generated. Takes time to build. series (int, optional): Active image series index. Defaults to None, meaning that all series are read. **kwargs: Additional keyword parameters for pims.BioformatsReader Example: .. code-block:: python frame, series = BioformatsReader(path) # frame (pims.Frame): The frame. # frame.frame_no (int): Frame number. # frame.metadata (dict): Frame metadata. # series (int): The series extracted from the file. """ def __init__( self, path: RawOrVariable[str], meta: RawOrVariable[bool], series: Optional[RawOrVariable[int]] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() # Check that pims and jpype are available check_available(pims, jpype) self.path = path self.meta = meta self.series = series self.kwargs = kwargs def transform_stream(self, stream): with closing_if_closable(stream): for obj in stream: path, meta, series, kwargs = self.prepare_input( obj, ("path", "meta", "series", "kwargs") ) reader = pims.bioformats.BioformatsReader(path, meta=meta, **kwargs) if series is None: series = range(reader.size_series) else: series = [series] for s in series: reader.series = s for frame in reader: yield self.prepare_output(obj.copy(), frame, s)