Source code for morphocut.integration.raspi

import io
import itertools
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from morphocut._optional import UnavailableObject
from morphocut.core import Node, Output, ReturnOutputs, Stream, closing_if_closable

[docs]def is_raspberrypi(): """Check if the platform is a Raspberry Pi.""" try: with"/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model", "r") as m: if "raspberry pi" in return True except Exception: pass return False
if TYPE_CHECKING: import picamera.array as picamera_array import as picamera_camera elif is_raspberrypi(): try: import picamera.array as picamera_array import as picamera_camera except ImportError: msg = "See for installation instructions." picamera_array = UnavailableObject("picamera.array", msg) picamera_camera = UnavailableObject("", msg) else: # picamera is installable and importable on systems other than the Raspberry Pi (using READTHEDOCS=True during installation), # but still not usable. msg = "This only works on a Raspberry Pi." picamera_array = UnavailableObject("picamera.array", msg) picamera_camera = UnavailableObject("", msg)
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("frame") class PiCameraReader(Node): """ |stream| Read frames from the Raspberry Pi's camera. Args: resolution (tuple (width, height), optional): The desired image resolution. Example: .. code-block:: python frame = PiCameraReader() """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() kwargs.setdefault("resolution", picamera_camera.PiCameraMaxResolution) self.kwargs = kwargs def transform_stream(self, stream: Stream) -> Stream: with picamera_camera.PiCamera(**self.kwargs) as cam: resolution = picamera_array.raw_resolution(cam.resolution) with closing_if_closable(stream): for obj in stream: output = np.empty(resolution[::-1] + (3,), dtype=np.uint8) # Capture continously for _ in cam.capture_continuous(output, format="rgb"): self.prepare_output(obj, output.copy()) yield obj self.after_stream()