Source code for morphocut.integration.flowcam

Read FlowCam® collage files.

    `FlowCam®`_ is an automated particle analysis instrument for measuring size
    and shape of microscopic particles in a fluid medium.

.. _FlowCam®:
import csv
import itertools
import operator
import os.path
import pathlib
from typing import Union

import dateutil.parser
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image

from morphocut import Node, Output, RawOrVariable, ReturnOutputs, closing_if_closable

    "int32": int,
    "double": float,  # lambda x: float("nan") if x is None else float(x),
    "string": str,  # lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x),
    "guid": str,
    "timestamp": dateutil.parser.parse,

class _LstReader(
    def __init__(self, lst_fn):
        self.lst_fn = lst_fn

    def __iter__(self):
        with open(self.lst_fn, "r") as f:
            version = next(f).strip()

            if version != "017":
                raise ValueError("Unrecognized version string: {}".format(version))

            num_fields_name, num_fields = next(f).strip().split("|", 1)
            if num_fields_name != "num-fields":
                raise ValueError("Expected num-fields, got {}".format(num_fields_name))

            num_fields = int(num_fields)

            fields = []
            for _ in range(num_fields):
                field, dtype = next(f).strip().split("|", 1)
                dtype = _DTYPES[dtype]
                fields.append((field, dtype))

            # Iterate over the remaining lines
            reader = csv.DictReader(f, fieldnames=[f[0] for f in fields], delimiter="|")

            for row in reader:
                row = {field: dtype(row[field]) for field, dtype in fields}
                yield row

[docs]class FlowCamObject: """ A single object. Not to be instanciated manually. .. seealso:: :py:class:`~FlowCamReader` """ def __init__(self, data, lst_name, collage, collage_bin): = data self.lst_name = lst_name self.collage = collage self.collage_bin = collage_bin def __getattr__(self, name): try: return[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) @property def slice(self): return ( slice(self.image_y, self.image_y + self.image_h), slice(self.image_x, self.image_x + self.image_w), ) @property def image(self): """The object image.""" return self.collage[self.slice] @property def mask(self): """The object mask.""" return self.collage_bin[self.slice]
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("regionprops") class FlowCamReader(Node): """ |stream| Read a flowcam sample with collage files. .. note:: This Node creates multiple objects per incoming object. Args: lst_fn (str or Path, optional): The path to a ``.lst`` file. Example: .. code-block:: python obj = FlowCamReader("flowcam.lst") image = obj.image mask = obj.mask """ def __init__(self, lst_fn: RawOrVariable[Union[str, pathlib.Path]]): super().__init__() self.lst_fn = lst_fn def transform_stream(self, stream): with closing_if_closable(stream): for obj in stream: lst_fn = self.prepare_input(obj, "lst_fn") # Convert to str to allow Path objects lst_fn = str(lst_fn) root_path, lst_name = os.path.split(lst_fn) lst_name = os.path.splitext(lst_name)[0] reader = _LstReader(lst_fn) for collage_file, data in itertools.groupby( reader, operator.itemgetter("collage_file") ): # Load image collage collage_fn = os.path.join(root_path, collage_file) collage = np.array( # Load bin collage base, ext = os.path.splitext(collage_file) collage_bin_fn = os.path.join( root_path, "{}_bin{}".format(base, ext) ) collage_bin = np.array( for row in data: yield self.prepare_output( obj.copy(), FlowCamObject(row, lst_name, collage, collage_bin), )