Source code for morphocut.image

from typing import Any, List

import numpy as np
import PIL
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from skimage import img_as_float
import skimage.exposure
import skimage.measure
from skimage.color import gray2rgb, rgb2gray

from morphocut import Node, Output, RawOrVariable, ReturnOutputs, closing_if_closable

[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("mask") class ThresholdConst(Node): """ Calculate a mask by applying a constant threshold. The result will be `image <= threshold`. Args: image (np.ndarray or Variable): Image for which the mask is to be calculated. threshold (Number or Variable): Threshold. Image intensities less than this will be `True` in the result. """ def __init__(self, image: RawOrVariable, threshold: RawOrVariable): super().__init__() self.image = image self.threshold = threshold def transform(self, image): if image.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("image.ndim needs to be exactly 2.") mask = image <= self.threshold return mask
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("rescaled") class RescaleIntensity(Node): """ Rescale the intensities of the image. .. note:: Uses the skimage library :py:func:`skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity`. Args: image (np.ndarray or Variable): An image file to be rescaled. in_range ((str or 2-tuple) or Variable): min/max as the intensity range. dtype (str or Variable): min/max of the image's dtype as the intensity range. Returns: Variable[np.ndarray]: Image with intensities rescaled. """ def __init__( self, image: RawOrVariable, in_range: RawOrVariable = "image", dtype=None ): super().__init__() self.image = image self.dtype = dtype self.in_range = in_range if dtype is not None: self.out_range = dtype else: self.out_range = "dtype" def transform(self, image, in_range): image = skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity( image, in_range=in_range, out_range=self.out_range ) if self.dtype is not None: image = image.astype(self.dtype, copy=False) return image
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("regionprops") class FindRegions(Node): """ |stream| Find regions in a mask and calculate properties. For more information see :py:func:`skimage.measure.regionprops`. .. note:: This Node creates multiple objects per incoming object. Args: image (np.ndarray or Variable): An image whose mask we have to find region with. mask (np.ndarray or Variable): Mask of a given image. min_area (int): Minimum area of the region. If the area of our prop/region is smaller than our min_area then it will discard it. max_area (int): Maximum area of the region. If the area of our prop/region is bigger than our max_area then it will discard it. padding (int): Size of the slices/regions of our image. Example: .. code-block:: python mask = ... regionsprops = FindRegions(mask) # regionsprops: A skimage.measure.regionsprops object. """ def __init__( self, mask: RawOrVariable, image: RawOrVariable = None, min_area=None, max_area=None, padding=0, ): super().__init__() self.mask = mask self.image = image self.min_area = min_area self.max_area = max_area self.padding = padding @staticmethod def _enlarge_slice(slices, padding): return tuple(slice(max(0, s.start - padding), s.stop + padding) for s in slices) def transform_stream(self, stream): with closing_if_closable(stream): for obj in stream: mask, image = self.prepare_input(obj, ("mask", "image")) labels, nlabels = skimage.measure.label(mask, return_num=True) objects = ndi.find_objects(labels, nlabels) for i, slices in enumerate(objects): if slices is None: continue if self.padding: slices = self._enlarge_slice(slices, self.padding) props = skimage.measure._regionprops.RegionProperties( # pylint: disable=protected-access slices, i + 1, labels, image, True ) if self.min_area is not None and props.area < self.min_area: continue if self.max_area is not None and props.area > self.max_area: continue yield self.prepare_output(obj.copy(), props)
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("extracted_image") class ExtractROI(Node): """ Extract part of an image using a :py:class:`RegionProperties <skimage.measure._regionprops.RegionProperties>` instance. To be used in conjunction with :py:class:`FindRegions`. Args: image (np.ndarray or Variable): Image from which regions are to be extracted. regionprops (RegionProperties or Variable): :py:class:`RegionProperties <skimage.measure._regionprops.RegionProperties>` instance returned by :py:class:`FindRegions`. """ def __init__(self, image: RawOrVariable, mask: RawOrVariable, regionprops: RawOrVariable, alpha=0.5, bg_color=1.0): super().__init__() self.image = image self.mask = mask self.regionprops = regionprops self.alpha = alpha self.bg_color = np.array(bg_color) def transform(self, image, mask, regionprops): if not np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.floating): image = img_as_float(image) # Combine background and foreground result_img = self.alpha * self.bg_color + (1 - self.alpha) * image # Paste foreground result_img[mask] = image[mask] return result_img[regionprops.slice]
[docs]@ReturnOutputs class ImageStats(Node): """ Parse information from a path """ def __init__(self, image: RawOrVariable, name: str = ""): super().__init__() self.min = [] # type: List[Any] self.max = [] # type: List[Any] self.image = image = name def transform(self, image): self.min.append(np.min(image)) self.max.append(np.max(image)) def after_stream(self): print("### Range stats ({}) ###".format( mean_min = np.mean(self.min) mean_max = np.mean(self.max) print("Absolute: ", min(self.min), max(self.max)) print("Average: ", mean_min, mean_max)
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("image") class ImageReader(Node): """ Read and open the image from a given path. Use Python Imaging Library `PIL`_ to open the file from a given path. .. _PIL: Args: fp (file or Variable): A filename (string), pathlib.Path object or file object. """ def __init__(self, fp: RawOrVariable): super().__init__() self.fp = fp def transform(self, fp): return np.array(
[docs]@ReturnOutputs class ImageWriter(Node): """ Write the image into the given directory path. Use Python Imaging Library `PIL`_ to save the image in a given path. .. _PIL: Args: fp (file or Variable): A filename (string), pathlib.Path object or file object. image (np.ndarray or Variable): Image that is to be saved into a given directory. """ def __init__(self, fp: RawOrVariable, image: RawOrVariable): super().__init__() self.fp = fp self.image = image def transform(self, fp, image): img = PIL.Image.fromarray(image)
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("image") class Gray2RGB(Node): """ Create an RGB representation of a gray-level image. .. note:: Uses the skimage library :py:func:`skimage.color.gray2rgb` to convert from Grayscale to RGB. Args: image (numpy.ndarray or Variable): Gray-level input image. Returns: Variable[numpy.ndarray]: The RGB image: An array which is the same size as the input array, but with a channel dimension appended. """ def __init__(self, image: RawOrVariable[np.ndarray]): super().__init__() self.image = image def transform(self, image): return gray2rgb(image)
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("image") class RGB2Gray(Node): """ Compute luminance of an RGB image using :py:func:`skimage.color.rgb2gray`. Args: image (numpy.ndarray or Variable): The image in RGB format. Returns: Variable[numpy.ndarray]: The luminance image: An array which is the same size as the input array, but with the channel dimension removed and dtype=float. """ def __init__(self, image: RawOrVariable[np.ndarray]): super().__init__() self.image = image def transform(self, image): if len(image.shape) != 3: raise ValueError("image.shape != 3 in {!r}".format(self)) return rgb2gray(image)