Source code for morphocut.contrib.ecotaxa

Read and write EcoTaxa archives.

    "`EcoTaxa`_ is a web application dedicated to the visual exploration
    and the taxonomic annotation of images that illustrate the
    beauty of planktonic biodiversity."

.. _EcoTaxa:
import fnmatch
import io
import os.path
import zipfile
from typing import Mapping, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, List

import numpy as np
import PIL.Image

from morphocut import Node, Output, RawOrVariable, ReturnOutputs, closing_if_closable
from morphocut._optional import import_optional_dependency

T = TypeVar("T")
MaybeTuple = Union[T, Tuple[T]]
MaybeList = Union[T, List[T]]

def dtype_to_ecotaxa(dtype):
        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.number):
            return "[f]"
    except TypeError:

    return "[t]"

[docs]@ReturnOutputs class EcotaxaWriter(Node): """ Create an archive of images and metadata that is importable to EcoTaxa. Args: archive_fn (str): Location of the output file. fnames_images (Tuple, Variable, or a list thereof): Tuple of ``(filename, image)`` or a list of such tuples. ``filename`` is the name in the archive. ``image`` is a NumPy array. The file extension has to be one of ``".jpg"``, ``".png"`` or ``".gif"`` to meet the specifications of EcoTaxa. meta (Mapping or Variable): Metadata to store in the TSV file. meta_fn (str, optional): TSV file. Must start with ``ecotaxa``. store_types (bool, optional): Whether to add a row with types after the header. Defaults to `True`, according to EcoTaxa's specifications. If multiple images are provided, ``image`` and ``image_name`` must be tuples of the same length. The TSV file will have the following columns by default: - ``img_file_name``: Name of the image file (including extension) - ``img_rank``: Rank of image to be displayed. Starts at 1. Other columns are read from ``meta``. Example: .. code-block:: python with Pipeline() as pipeline: image_fn = ... image = ImageReader(image_fn) meta = ... # Calculate some meta-data EcotaxaWriter("path/to/", (image_fn, image), meta) pipeline.transform_stream() """ def __init__( self, archive_fn: str, fnames_images: MaybeList[RawOrVariable[Tuple[str, ...]]], meta: RawOrVariable[Mapping], meta_fn: str = "ecotaxa_export.tsv", store_types: bool = True, ): super().__init__() self.archive_fn = archive_fn if isinstance(fnames_images, tuple): fnames_images = [fnames_images] if not isinstance(fnames_images, list): raise ValueError( "Unexpected type for fnames_images: needs to be a tuple or a list of tuples" ) self.fnames_images = fnames_images self.meta = meta self.meta_fn = meta_fn self.store_types = store_types self._pd = import_optional_dependency("pandas") def transform_stream(self, stream): pil_extensions = PIL.Image.registered_extensions() with closing_if_closable(stream), zipfile.ZipFile( self.archive_fn, mode="w" ) as zip_file: dataframe = [] i = 0 for obj in stream: fnames_images, meta = self.prepare_input(obj, ("fnames_images", "meta")) for img_rank, (fname, img) in enumerate(fnames_images, start=1): img_ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] pil_format = pil_extensions[img_ext] img = PIL.Image.fromarray(img) img_fp = io.BytesIO(), format=pil_format) zip_file.writestr(fname, img_fp.getvalue()) dataframe.append( {**meta, "img_file_name": fname, "img_rank": img_rank} ) yield obj i += 1 dataframe = self._pd.DataFrame(dataframe) # Insert types into header type_header = [dtype_to_ecotaxa(dt) for dt in dataframe.dtypes] dataframe.columns = self._pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( list(zip(dataframe.columns, type_header)) ) zip_file.writestr( self.meta_fn, dataframe.to_csv(sep="\t", encoding="utf-8", index=False) ) print("Wrote {:,d} objects to {}.".format(i, self.archive_fn))
[docs]@ReturnOutputs @Output("image") @Output("meta") class EcotaxaReader(Node): """ |stream| Read an archive of images and metadata that is importable to EcoTaxa. Args: archive_fn (str, Variable): Location of the archive file. img_rank (int, Variable, or a tuple thereof, optional): One or more image ranks. Returns: (image, meta): A tuple of image(s) and metadata. To read multiple image ranks, provide a tuple of ints as ``img_rank``. The first output will then be a tuple of images. The TSV file needs at least an ``img_file_name`` column that provides the name of the image file. Other columns are read from ``meta``. The TSV file MAY contain a row of types after the header (``"[f]"`` for numeric columns, ``"[t]"`` else). Example: .. code-block:: python with Pipeline() as p: image, meta = EcotaxaReader("path/to/") p.transform_stream() """ def __init__( self, archive_fn: RawOrVariable[str], img_rank: MaybeTuple[RawOrVariable[int]] = 1, ): super().__init__() self.archive_fn = archive_fn self.img_rank = img_rank self._pd = import_optional_dependency("pandas") def transform_stream(self, stream): with closing_if_closable(stream): for obj in stream: archive_fn, img_rank = self.prepare_input( obj, ("archive_fn", "img_rank") ) with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_fn, mode="r") as zip_file: index_names = fnmatch.filter(zip_file.namelist(), "ecotaxa_*") for index_name in index_names: index_base = os.path.dirname(index_name) with as index_fp: dataframe = self._pd.read_csv(index_fp, sep="\t") dataframe = self._fix_types(dataframe) for _, row in dataframe.iterrows(): image_fn = os.path.join( index_base, row["img_file_name"] ) with as image_fp: image = np.array( yield self.prepare_output( obj.copy(), image, row.to_dict() ) def _fix_types(self, dataframe): first_row = dataframe.iloc[0] num_cols = [] for c, v in first_row.items(): if v == "[f]": num_cols.append(c) elif v == "[t]": continue else: # If the first row contains other values than [f] or [t], # it is not a type header and the dataframe doesn't need to be changed. return dataframe dataframe = dataframe.iloc[1:].copy() dataframe[num_cols] = dataframe[num_cols].apply( self._pd.to_numeric, errors="coerce", axis=1 ) return dataframe